Data protection and handling of information

In the C-CAB project, both the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ethical principles of research are observed. The Code of Ethics of the German Sociological Association and the Professional Association of German Sociologists is observed. The relevant aspects are:


Voluntary participation in the research and informed consent.

In the C-CAB project, both adult and minor participants are extensively informed about the aims, contents, methods, duration and procedure of the project and asked for their personal consent to participate. Each person can revoke participation in the project at any time.


Anonymity and confidentiality of data

The collected information as well as all conversations between participants and researchers will be treated strictly confidentially and will only be used in pseudonymized form for research purposes. It is not possible to draw conclusions about the statements of individual participants in the study at any time in all project-related publications.


Data security

The pseudonymized data will be stored in a secure location under password protection and will only be accessible to members of the project team. The information collected in the project will not be passed on to third parties.


Contact and further information

All persons involved know that they can contact the project team at any time and have received the contact details of the research team. In addition, information on contact and counselling options (e.g., to educational, psychological or social work institutions) is available.

Access to further detailed information, for example on project progress or publications, is possible for all interested parties via the project homepage and for the participants via distributed personal messages.